Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, BATHINDA

(A State University Established By Govt. of Punjab vide Punjab Act No. 5 of 2015 and Approved Under Section 2(f) & 12 (B) of UGC)

Registration Link ICSSR sponsored FDP from 24.03.2025 to 29.03.2025      University Business School is organizing ICSSR sponsored FDP from 24.03.2025 to 29.03.2025      Regarding the last date for applying for online application for affiliation, for the Academic Session 2025-26.     


To contribute towards the state, the nation and the world through advancement for attaining excellence in technical education and research, and to provide quality human resource having high professional and ethical conduct to serve the needs of the industry and society.


  • To provide a conducive and inspiring environment for promoting advancement in technology and research by fostering freedom, empowerment, commitment, creativity and innovation
  • To provide competent and highly skilled professionals and entrepreneurs to meet the requirements of the industry and society for discovery and dissemination of knowledge
  • To inculcate high moral, ethical and professional values and standards amongst the students.
  • To promote research and development in various fields of technical education and establishment of Centres of Excellence in collaboration with national and international institutions, industries and agencies

Quality Policy

  • To pursue comprehensive values of distinction in all our outcomes i.e. teaching, research, consultancy and continuing education.
  • To attain our Vision and Mission through integrated efforts through continuous improvements to achieve quality.
  • To deliver and perform our core and support functions, through consistent and committed efforts.

Core Values

In quest of its Vision and Mission, MRSPTU will:

  • Develop human resources to serve the state and nation.
  • Distinguish teaching and research as integrative activities.
  • Foster values, integrity, creativity and academic liberty.
  • Achieve excellence through continuous improvement.

Giani Zail Singh Campus College of Engineering & Technology, MRSPTU


To pursue for excellence in ‘scientific and technical education’ and ‘research’ for the benefit of mankind.


The GZSCCET MRSPTU, Bathinda is a premier education Institute of architecture, science and technology in the State of Punjab dedicated to provide efficient and competent professionals in the service to society.

Department of Electronics & Comm. Engg.


To develop competent and socially sensitized professionals adaptable to emerging technologies catering to the needs of Industry and other stakeholders in Electronics & Communication Engineering.


To achieve to Vision, the department will:

  • Ensure dissemination of Knowledge through effective teaching and participative learning in ECE incorporating latest educational technologies.
  • Enhance Industry-Institute, Inter/Intra-Institute linkages for sustainable development of academic, research, training and placement activities in ECE.
  • Aquent the students to adapt themselves for emerging multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary fields through collaborative activities.
  • Provide value-based education & activities through involvement of students in extracurricular, co-curricular and related activities to develop team spirit and leadership qualities.

Department of Civil Engineering


To be a leading department of the region to impart education, undertake research, and provide industrial consultancy in the realms of civil engineering profession.


  • Imparting quality civil engineering education harmonious to the needs of society and Industry.
  • Emphasising on extensive practical exposure aided by well-equipped laboratories leading to contemporary research and development programmes.
  • Nurturing and development of professional expertise to provide technical consultancy to design and construction industry to provide solutions to their real life problems.

Department of Mechanical Engineering


To produce competent and ethical professional to cater the changing needs of the Industry, start- ups and other stakeholders in the field of Mechanical Engineering.


  • To promote paticipative teaching- learning process using latest education techniques and flexible curriculum in the field of Mechanical Engineering.
  • To boost skill development and research through industry-institute linkages, hands on activities, industrial training and projects.
  • To enhance leadership qualities among students with high professional ethics through cocurricular, extra- curricular, inter/multi-disciplinary activities and curriculum.

Department of Computer Sc. & Engineering


To strive for excellence in the field of Computer Science and Engineering by providing technical education and research to produce competitive and self-disciplined professionals.


  • To provide technical education and develop skills to meet the IT needs and related industries.
  • To provide a favorable atmosphere for learning, research and enhancement through training and entrepreneurship professional development.
  • To recognize and develop professionalism in the field of technical education and to set up MOU’s in the collaboration with institutions, industries, agencies and alumni linkage for  career enhancement of students.
  • To inculcate the spirit of human values and professional ethics to make self disciplined engineers through various curricular and co- curricular activities for lifelong learning

Department of Textile Engineering


To strive to become a premier department in the field of Textile Engineering by providing quality technical education to the students to serve the needs of society.


The department is committed to nurture the students with best quality technical education in textile engineering and develop research aptitude.

  • To improve skill and knowledge through effective and participative teaching-learning process using latest educational techniques.
  • To boost up industry-institute interaction/collaboration through MoUs, Internships and participative curriculum developments.
  • To enhance students exposure in multidisciplinary & interdisciplinary domain and professional ethics through collaborative case study/project and related activities.

Department of Electrical & Engineering


To provide competent and socially aware resource persons in the field of Electrical Engineering, who can adapt themselves to changing technologies.


  • To ensure effective teaching and learning for imparting knowledge and skills to solve technical problems in the field of Electrical Engineering by incorporating modern technologies and through Industry-Institute interactions.
  • To enhance the competency of students in multi-disciplinary fields, by offering flexible choice of departmental and open elective subjects.
  • For overall professional growth of students by enhancing co-curricular activities.
  • To inculcate human values, professional ethics, soft skills, leadership skills etc. through cocurricular and extra-curricular activities.

Department of Workshop


Enriching hands on skill- set among Engineering and Technology students for basic and state of the art Manufacturing Practices.


  • To provide knowhow and practice of hand tools, power tools, machine tools and measuring instruments to every student of Engineering and Technology.
  • To impart hands- on skill- set to students to use their knowledge and innovativeness to design & customize engineering products.
  • To enhance creativity & team spirits among students through collective project design & manufacturing.

Department of GZS School of Architecture & Planning


To promote sustainable global trends, regional architecture and planning, imparting knowledge through collaborative learning and research, and provide human resource empowered with high level of professional skills, integrity and ethical conduct.


  • To offer a diverse curriculum with a heterogeneous mix of subjects aimed at holistic development of students by developing their problem solving abilities with multidisciplinary approaches towards built environments.
  • To provide a conducive hands - on learning environment to students through participatory approach in classrooms, studios and site visits in order to produce high skill professionals.
  • To collaborate with educational institutions and professional bodies in order to sensitise students towards sustainability and promote them in achieving knowledge and skill sets to meet the global demands.
  • To promote healthy interaction among students from diverse backgrounds through group activities, team work, community service and to inculcate high level of professional and ethical values.

Department of University Business School


To be a leading business school in developing transformational leaders to find solution for global business and societal issues.


  • Catalyse the transformative learning through promoting diversity and integrity in academic and working environment.
  • Forge global collaborations with academia and industry for stimulating excellence in teaching, research, and consultancy practices among faculty and students.
  • Inculcate entrepreneurial and innovation culture for nurturing sensitive leaders towards society and business.

Department of Chemistry


To establish itself as a center of learning by integrating scientific and technical knowledge with an objective of industrially employable, socially committed, rationally thoughtful individuals


  • To produce intellectually competent academicians in the area of chemical sciences.
  • To engage in useful and collaborative research accounting regional, national and global concerns.
  • To produce self- dependent skilled individuals fostering social responsibilities.
  • To deliver fundamentals of chemistry to budding engineers.

Department of Physics


To strive for excellence in the field of Physical Sciences and to promote enthusiasm, interests and sense of reasoning through the study of Physics by innovative teaching and ethical research practices.


  • To awaken the young minds and discover their talents both in theory and in practical Physics by using latest educational technologies and interactions with the students.
  • To inculcate the spirit of reasoning in the students through effective evaluation mechanism.
  • To inculcate the spirit of human values and professional ethics to make students selfdisciplined by involving them in sports, NCC and NSS activities.
  • To enhance research facilities for research in the current areas of Physics.
  • To enhance soft skill and overall personality development in students through their participations in curricular/ extra-curricular activities and educational trips.

Department of Food Science and Technology


To be a centre of excellence in Food Science and Technology through academics, research and outreach services to provide skilled human resources to meet the needs of food industries and society.


  • To create a conducive environment through participative teaching learning process and team work.
  • To enhance students involvement in interdisciplinary research projects.
  • To inculcate moral and ethical values among students.
  • To boost industrial and departmental collaborations to address the concerns of food related industries.

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology


To be an eminent Pharmacy institute by providing quality education and appropriate ambience for research to address healthcare needs of society and meet technical requisites of pharmaceutical industries.


  • To develop specialized Pharmacy graduates who can face the challenges and meet demands of the profession through effective curriculum delivery as prescribed by Pharmacy Council of India.
  • To ensure that students acquire optimal theoretical knowledge and practical training in various domains of the Pharmacy through curricular and co-curricular activities.
  • To develop globally acclaimed research and innovation facility in Pharmacy, reflected through quality intellectual outcomes and skilled human resources.
  • To inculcate professional ethics and value system needed for sustenance in the noble profession of Pharmacy.

Department of Computational Sciences


To produce technically competent, computing professionals and researchers who can adapt and contribute to the changing needs of industry and society.


  • To boost students' participation in inter-disciplinary project works/activities/ team works.
  • To enhance Industry- Institute linkages, global collaboration.
  • To enhance awareness about societal & ethical concern.
  • To boost participative teaching learning with emphasis on hands-on training /projects.
  • To provide flexible, dynamic & industry compliable curriculum.

Department of Mathematics


To produce competent, socially sensitized under graduate, post graduate and doctoral level students in the field of mathematical sciences through dedicated teaching and research to serve the needs of academia and society in an ethical manner.


  • To develop analytical and logical thinking among the students by synchronizing mathematical ideas with real time problems.
  • To involve the students for taking problems related to mathematical concepts along with good soft and technical skills which are beneficial for higher education and good career.
  • To encourage the faculty and students for carrying out innovative research in the field of pure and applied mathematics through collaborative approach.
  • To develop professional ethics and human values among the students to contribute well in the society.