Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, BATHINDA

(A State University Established By Govt. of Punjab vide Punjab Act No. 5 of 2015 and Approved Under Section 2(f) & 12 (B) of UGC)

Regarding the last date for applying for online application for affiliation, for the Academic Session 2025-26.     

DEAN (Student Welfare) Message and Profile

Greetings to all students of MRSPTU Bathinda! MRSPTU is dedicated in its endeavour of shaping a brighter and successful future for its students and the nation at large. WE are here to guide you through your transition into campus life. We pride ourselves in creating an environment based on service, engagement and learning as its core values. I Encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity that helps you grow into better citizens. The office of Dean Student Welfare is here to assist you in regards to any form of challenges you may encounter in your campus life..Read More..

Dr. Paramjeet Singh
DEAN (Student Welfare)
Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, BATHINDA

Staff Details

S.No Photograph Name Designation Contact No (Official) Contact No (Personal)
1 Dr. Paramjeet Singh Dean +91-87250-72347 98885-85202
2 Dr. Barinderjeet Singh Toor Assistant Dean 7710157757 7710157757
3 Sh. Gurmander Singh Clerk +9187250-72344 +919465257661