Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, BATHINDA

(A State University Established By Govt. of Punjab vide Punjab Act No. 5 of 2015 and Approved Under Section 2(f) & 12 (B) of UGC)

Registration Link ICSSR sponsored FDP from 24.03.2025 to 29.03.2025      University Business School is organizing ICSSR sponsored FDP from 24.03.2025 to 29.03.2025      Regarding the last date for applying for online application for affiliation, for the Academic Session 2025-26.     

Legal Cell

Faculty / Staff Details

S.No Photograph Name Designation Contact No.
1 Sh. Amanpreet Singh Arshi Legal Officer 98148-03738
2 Sh. Arshinder Singh Senior Assistant (Legal) 94179-40065
3 Sh. Sunil Clerk-Cum-DEO 97796-74014


  • To protect legal rights of University stakeholders.
  • To assist University administration in hassle free work without any legal obstruction.
  • To process legal vetting for internal/external matters such as litigations, investigations and its compliance.
  • To provide legal opinion, consultation, advice for interpretation of Rules/ Regulations/ Contracts/Agreements etc.
  • To help University administration in drafting resolutions, letters, memos etc.
  • To assist empanelled advocates in legal proceedings.
  • To review and maintain transparent and balanced decision making as per legal requirements.