Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, BATHINDA

(A State University Established By Govt. of Punjab vide Punjab Act No. 5 of 2015 and Approved Under Section 2(f) & 12 (B) of UGC)

Registration Link ICSSR sponsored FDP from 24.03.2025 to 29.03.2025      University Business School is organizing ICSSR sponsored FDP from 24.03.2025 to 29.03.2025      Regarding the last date for applying for online application for affiliation, for the Academic Session 2025-26.     

Registrar's Desk

 "One of the most powerful tools to empower individuals and communities is making certain that any individual who wants to receive a quality education can do so." With these objectives, Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda is striving hard to provide one of the best 'Edu-Tech' support to all students by means of implementation of Choice Based Credit System with specific inputs from industry experts, interdisciplinary research of global importance, highly qualified faculty, active industry-academia interactions, collaboration with leading Universities/institutions of India and abroad and supportive infrastructure for holistic development leading to secured career. MRSPTU is an educational eco-system, which consistently attempts to offer the best educational facilities to its students while evolving itself to the changing educational needs of the corporate world. We groom our students to develop into individuals with strong ethical values and also focus on enriching their social etiquettes. MRSPTU aims to develop highest quality minds, which are always questing for new ideas or inventions that can serve the society. Apart from the academic facilities, the University strongly focuses on extracurricular activities to nurture its students. We impart the best of the knowledge to our students with unmatched extracurricular and emotional quotient related inputs and the capability to acquire knowledge, lead and excel to make them responsible human beings with a passion to transform India as a knowledge super power.

I wish you the best and a successful journey of quality education, training and learning being the member of MRSPTU family..

Prof. Gurinder Pal Singh
Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda

Registrar's Profile

Prof. Gurinder Pal Singh
Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University (MRSPTU)
Bathinda-151001, Punjab (India)

Dr.Gurinder Pal Singh


Permanent Address - Village and P.O. Bhittiwala, Sub-Tehsil Lambi, Tehsil Malout, Shri Muktsar Sahib (152113), Punjab, India.

Address of Correspondence - House Number 48, Housefed Colony, Dabwali Road, Bathinda (151001), Punjab, India.

Phone Number - +9198150-46562 Email -

Date of Birth - 25.06.1968

Present Posting:

Registrar, Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda and

Director, Punjab Institute of Technology, Arniwala, Fazilka

Administrative Experience: 

  1. Joined as Lecturer GPC, Jalandhar on 22.07.1996 through PPSC, Patiala.
  2. Malout Institute of Management & IT, Malout from (1998-2004) Founder Faculty, Incharge of ECE Deptt., Hostel Warden, Administrative Officer, Estate Officer
  3. GZS Campus CET, Bathinda (2004-2011) Registrar, PIO, Sports President, Incharge Horticulture & Housekeeping
  4. Principal Govt. Polytechnic Fatuhi Khera, Malout (2018-2019)
  5. Registrar, MRSPTU, Bathinda (09-12-2020 to till date)


Bachelor of Electrical Engineering- Panjab University, Chandigarh.

Masters in Electrical Engineering - "Scope of Bagasse Based Cogeneration in Sugar Industry of Punjab State - A Case Study" IKGPTU, Jalandhar.

Doctorate in Philosophy Research Topic "Solar Bio-Gas Model for Generation of Energy" SLIET Deemed to be University, Longowal Sangrur.

Legum Baccalaureus (LLB) - Panjab University, Chandigarh.

Post - Graduate Diploma (PGDEE) – IKGPTU Jalandhar, Punjab.

Chartered Engineer (C.Eng) – Institute of Engineers, Kolkata, West Bengal.

Research Papers: Total-15, International Journal-09, National Journal- 04

Short Term Courses attended -23 -In various National repute Institutes "NITTR, Chandigarh, SLIET, Longowal, Sangrur, GZS Campus, Bathinda, SBS State Technical Campus, Ferozepur.