WEB-OPAC (Book Search)
Web OPAC Library GZSCCET, Bathinda – Online Public Access Catalogue
GZSCCET Library catalogue of Books is available on the online and LAN by visiting the following URL (within the campus/Intranet)
Web OPAC (Open Public Access catalogue) is search engine for finding any catalogue information of documents of GZSCCET Library.
The features of Web OPAC:
Search facility: By specifying Author, Title, subject, year of publication or any other field.
Number of copies available in library.
How to access the library web OPAC:
User should type the IP address mentioned above in the internet explorer address bar.
After clicking on above mentioned link OPAC screen will pop up on your computer
Click the OPAC and put the fields you required on Author, Title, Edition, etc. you will get details of book availability
Detail of Library Books as on 27.03.18